Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An Entrepreneur's Journey Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Entrepreneur's Journey - Assignment Example Both her personal and business life need maximum and equal attention. Simi will have a difficult time during the transition as first she has to find an appropriate house for the family, and one that she can afford. Her husband is dealing with the housing issue, but it has an effect on the family and their finances. In addition, she has her children’s education to worry about, as the move to Lagos will necessitate them to change school. Finding this a good school for the kids to settle is another challenge. The moving process will have a huge effect on the family as it involves many changes to their personal and professional lives. The children will have to change schools and the environment they have been used to. Simi and her husband will also have to adapt to the new personal and business environment they will now be exposed to (Davis and Spence 5). The move to Nigeria presents a new challenge to the survival of the business, which is only 2 years old. Simi had to put in measures that will ensure the survival of the business even without his husband’s presence throughout the year. She has to have a strategic plan on the sustainability of the business in both the long-term and short-term. To safeguard the survival of the business, Simi has taken several steps. The first step has been to ensure that she will find time to take care of the business by being there for 4 months in a year. This will give her the opportunity to deal with the company issues and assess the progress in her absence. In addition, she will keep constant communication with Feyi to help her in the day-to-day running of the business. Simi and Feyi have hired a marketing consultant to help them articulate the story to the media and public in general. This is a step to help the business gain more recognition and extend its outreach to more potential clients. This will help grow the business and ensure its

Monday, October 28, 2019

Dominos vs. US Pizza Essay Example for Free

Dominos vs. US Pizza Essay The research report you have authorized us to write on â€Å"Dominos vs. US Pizza† is now ready and follow this letter. This report is the result of work completed at SKIPS. During our work term as other student, we were engaged to assist in related topic collection. In the course of this work we gained knowledge about this topic. It is the detailed information and data which is the subject of this report. Through the course of the term, we were given the opportunity to learn much about the strategic model of Dominos. We feel that this knowledge will be helpful in future work terms, and in our career. We would like to thank our mentor Mr. Manish Thaker for his patience and good judgement, as well as classmates who were always willing to help. Sincerely Parul Kapoor (43) Sejal Rathod (55) Table of contents Contents Executive summary Introduction Research methodology Analysis of research data Findings Conclusions Recommendation Annexure Executive Summary This report contains the detailed research about the ‘strategies of Dominos vs US Pizza’. The research was an exploratory one. The aim of the research was to find the out the strategies adopted by Dominos to attract customer towards it. The research was conducted in the period of March to April. The target population of the research was the pizza consumers. Out of this the sample size of 100 were drawn based on convenient sampling technique. The research was done by filling the questionnaire which was fully drawn on the basis of the research objectives. The conclusion for the research was almost drawn during the data collection itself. 100% of respondents like pizza. Out of sample size of 100, 68% of respondents visit more to Dominos. 35% of respondents lie in age group of 20-25 years, visit these restaurants with their friends in free hours. Respondents prefer Dominos because the quality of the food offered by Dominos is good. Awareness of preferred restaurant came from friends and T. V add. This shows that people are attracted more towards Dominos because quality of food offered by Dominos is better than Quality offered by US Pizza. INTRODUCTION Problem Definition: Both (Dominos and US Pizza), provide same kind of facility. They have huge varieties in pizza as well as other items. Us pizza has unlimited scheme packages and price of its items are also reasonable whereas Dominos doesn’t have any unlimited packages and price of all the items are also high as compare to U. S. Pizza. Still people attracted towards Dominos, more than US Pizza. Research Objectives: The key objectives of the research are identified as following: To study the strength of Dominos business model. To study the strength of US Pizza’s business model. To find out ‘why people are attracted more towards Dominos than US Pizza’ Research Design: This is an exploratory type of research. It’s a problem of general nature, numbers and statistics are used to support this research. The primary source of data is in questionnaire and short interview. Research design is the that phase where researcher has to detail a plan in which alternatives are going to be chose at each of the following stages. Selection of type of research. Selection of measures and measurement techniques. Selection of sample size and sampling techniques. Selection of methods of data analysis. Research Methodology: Primary Data: Data is collected through structured questionnaire by conducting survey. Mode of collection Online questionnaire Offline questionnaire Methods of Data Analysis The questionnaire of 22 variables (2 dependants and 18 independents) was administered through advanced data analysis of utilities of SPSS. 1. Hypothesis To achieve these objectives, the following hypotheses are formulated:- 1. H0 :- More Frequency of customer towards Dominos Pizza H1:- Frequency is more towards other restaurant 2. H0 :- All parameters are equality important H1:- At least 1 Parameter is Important 3. H0:- Customers are satisfied for all Parameter H1:- Customers are Satisfied for At least One Parameter Data analysis and interpretation: Exhibit-1 1)Like restaurants Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid YES 100 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: From Exhibit -1 we can conclude that 100% people like to go to restaurant. Exhibit-2 2)Visit time Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent. Valid ONCE OR TWICE IN WEEK 23 23. 0 23. 0 23. 0 ONCE OR TWICE IN 15 DAYS 27 27. 0 27. 0 50. 0 ONCE OR TWICE IN A MONTH 37 37. 0 37. 0 87. 0 OCCATIONNALY 13 13. 0 13. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation:- From above chart 37% people go to restaurant once or twice in a month, 27% people go to restaurant once or twice in a 15 days, 23% people go to restaurant once or twice in a week and only 13% people like to go to restaurant occasionally. Exhibit-3 3)No. of visit Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1-5 91 91. 0 91. 0 91. 0 5-10 7 7. 0 7. 0 98. 0 MORE THAN 10 2 2. 0 2. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: looking above graph 91% respondent visit restaurant 1-5 times in a month Exhibit-4 4)Prefer Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid PIZZA 59 59. 0 59. 0 59. 0 CHAT 6 6. 0 6. 0 65. 0 SANDWITCH 25 25. 0 25. 0 90. 0 OTHER 10 10. 0 10. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: From above Exhibit more preference given to pizza then other snacks. Exhibit-5 5)Like pizza Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid YES 100 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0. Interpretation: Above diagram conclude that thought respondents like other snacks like sandwitch, chats etc, they also like pizza. Exhibit-6 6) Preferred rest. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid DOMINOS 68 68. 0 68. 0 68. 0 US PIZZA 26 26. 0 26. 0 94. 0 PIZZA WORLD 2 2. 0 2. 0 96. 0 PIZZA ZONE 2 2. 0 2. 0 98. 0 OTHER 2 2. 0 2. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: Respondents like to go many restaurant like dominos, us pizza, pizza world, pizza zone etc but they give more preference to dominos. Exhibit-7 7)Reason for visit Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid QUALITY IS GOOD 86 86. 0 86. 0 86. 0 PRICE IS LOW 8 8. 0 8. 0 94. 0. SERVICE IS GOOD 2 2. 0 2. 0 96. 0 4 2 2. 0 2. 0 98. 0 5 2 2. 0 2. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: Above diagram conclude that people give more preference to dominos because food quality of dominos is better than other restaurant. Cross-tab Q-9 Q-10. Important factor satisfaction level 8. (a) Quality * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price Total Satisfied least satisfied 8. (a)Quality very imp 54 46 100 Total 54 46 100 Interpretation: From above cross tab 54% respondents to whom quality is very important and they are also satisfied by the price which they are paying for the quality. 8. (a) Quality * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total Satisfied 8. (a)Quality very imp 100 100 Total 100 100 Interpretation: Almost all the respondent to whom quality is very important they all satisfied by the service given by the restaurant. 8. (a) Quality * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab Count 9. (d)Ambience Total Satisfied normal 8. (a)Quality very imp 79 21 100 Total 79 21 100 Interpretation:- Above table conclude that respondents to whom quality is very important they are also satisfied by the ambience in the restaurant. 8. (a)Quality * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization. Total Satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (a)Quality very imp 77 21 2 100 Total 77 21 2 100 Interpretation: respondents who gives very important to quality also satisfied by the customization adopted by their favourite restaurant. 8. (b)Price * Satis. In Quality Crosstab Count Satis. In Quality Total very satisfied 8. (b)Price very important 46 46 IMPORTANT 23 23 least important 31 31 Total 100 100 Interpretation: In this table respondents who gives very important to the price, they are also very satisfied by the quality they are getting in that price. 8. (b)Price * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price. Total satisfied least satisfied 8. (b)Price very important 0 46 46 IMPORTANT 23 0 23 least important 31 0 31 Total 54 46 100 Interpretation:- Respondents who gives very important to the price they are least satisfied by the price adopted by their favourite restaurant. 8. (b)Price * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total satisfied 8. (b)Price very important 46 46 IMPORTANT 23 23 least important 31 31 Total 100 100 Interpretation: This table conclude that respondents to whom price is very important they also satisfied by the services delivered by restaurant. 8. (b)Price * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab. Count 9. (d)Ambience Total satisfied normal 8. (b)Price very important 46 0 46 IMPORTANT 2 21 23 least important 31 0 31 Total 79 21 100 Interpretation: Respondents also satisfied by the ambience presents in their favourite restaurant. 8. (b)Price * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization Total satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (b)Price very important 46 0 0 46 IMPORTANT 0 21 2 23 least important 31 0 0 31 Total 77 21 2 100 Interpretation:- Respondents to whom price are very important they also satisfied by the customization. 8. (c)Service * Satis. In Quality Crosstab Count Satis. In Quality Total very satisfied 8. (c)Service very important 52 52 important 48 48 Total 100 100 Interpretation: Respondents who give much important to the service they are also satisfied by the quality. 8. (c)Service * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price Total satisfied least satisfied 8. (c)Service very important 52 0 52 important 2 46 48 Total 54 46 100 Interpretation: Respondents to whom service are very important they are satisfied by the price which they are paying. 8. (c)Service * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total satisfied 8. (c)Service very important 52 52 important 48 48 Total. 100 100 Interpretation:- Respondents to whom service is very important they also satisfied by the service offered by their favourite restaurant. 8. (c)Service * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab Count 9. (d)Ambience Total satisfied normal 8. (c)Service very important 31 21 52 important 48 0 48 Total 79 21 100 Interpretation: respondents who gives important to the service they are also satisfied by the ambience in the restaurants. 8. (c)Service * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization Total satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (c)Service very important 31 21 0 52 important 46 0 2 48 Total 77 21 2 100. Interpretation: Respondents to whom service is important they are satisfied by the customization. 8. (d)Brand * Satis. In Quality Crosstab Count Satis. In Quality Total very satisfied 8. (d)Brand very important 31 31 Important 23 23 least important 46 46 Total 100 100 8. (d)Brand * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price Total satisfied least satisfied 8. (d)Brand very important 31 0 31 Important 23 0 23 least important 0 46 46 Total 54 46 100 8. (d)Brand * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total satisfied 8. (d)Brand very important 31 31 Important 23 23 least important 46 46 Total 100 100 8. (d)Brand * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab. Count 9. (d)Ambience Total satisfied normal 8. (d)Brand very important 31 0 31 Important 2 21 23 least important 46 0 46 Total 79 21 100 8. (d)Brand * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization Total satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (d)Brand very important 31 0 0 31 Important 0 21 2 23 least important 46 0 0 46 Total 77 21 2 100 Interpretation: Respondents gives least important to the brand but they are satisfied by quality, price, service, ambience and customization delivered by their favourite restaurant. 8. (e)Ambience * Satis. In Quality Crosstab Count Satis. In Quality Total very satisfied 8. (e)Ambience important 33. 33 least important 67 67 Total 100 100 8. (e)Ambience * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price Total satisfied least satisfied 8. (e)Ambience important 33 0 33 least important 21 46 67 Total 54 46 100 8. (e)Ambience * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total satisfied 8. (e)Ambience important 33 33 least important 67 67 Total 100 100 8. (e)Ambience * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab Count 9. (d)Ambience Total satisfied normal 8. (e)Ambience important 33 0 33 least important 46 21 67 Total 79 21 100 8. (e)Ambience * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization Total satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (e)Ambience important 31 0 2 33. least important 46 21 0 67 Total 77 21 2 100 Interpretation: Respondents who gives least important to the ambience but they are satisfied by the quality, price, service ambience customization. 8. (f)Customization * Satis. In Quality Crosstab Count Satis. In Quality Total very satisfied 8. (f)Customization very important 2 2 important 98 98 Total 100 100 8. (f)Customization * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price Total satisfied least satisfied 8. (f)Customization very important 2 0 2 important 52 46 98 Total 54 46 100 8. (f)Customization * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total satisfied 8. (f)Customization very important 2 2. important 98 98 Total 100 100 8. (f)Customization * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab Count 9. (d)Ambience Total satisfied normal 8. (f)Customization very important 2 0 2 important 77 21 98 Total 79 21 100 8. (f)Customization * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization Total satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (f)Customization very important 0 0 2 2 important 77 21 0 98 Total 77 21 2 100 Interpretation: Almost all the respondents gives important to the customization and they are also satisfied by the quality, price, service, ambience, customization. 8. (g)Nearness * Satis. In Quality Crosstab Count Satis. In Quality Total very satisfied. 8. (g)Nearness very important 58 58 least important 42 42 Total 100 100 8. (g)Nearness * 9. (b)Price Crosstab Count 9. (b)Price Total satisfied least satisfied 8. (g)Nearness very important 52 6 58 least important 2 40 42 Total 54 46 100 8. (g)Nearness * 9. (c)Service Crosstab Count 9. (c)Service Total satisfied 8. (g)Nearness very important 58 58 least important 42 42 Total 100 100 8. (g)Nearness * 9. (d)Ambience Crosstab Count 9. (d)Ambience Total satisfied normal 8. (g)Nearness very important 37 21 58 least important 42 0 42 Total 79 21 100 8. (g)Nearness * 9. (e)Customization Crosstab Count 9. (e)Customization Total satisfied normal least satisfied 8. (g)Nearness very important 37 21 0 58 least important 40 0 2 42 Total 77 21 2 100 Interpretation: Almost all the respondents prefer to go to nearness restaurant and they are also satisfied by it. Exhibit-10 10)Visit with whom Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Friends 87 87. 0 87. 0 87. 0 Family 4 4. 0 4. 0 91. 0 g. f/b. f 9 9. 0 9. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: respondents mostly go to the restaurant with their friends. Exhibit-11 11)Scheme Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid unlimited 65 65. 0 65. 0 65. 0 By one get one free 5 5. 0 5. 0 70. 0 Discount 11. 11. 0 11. 0 81. 0 coupons 7 7. 0 7. 0 88. 0 Other 12 12. 0 12. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Exhibit-12 12)Awareness Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Friends 68 68. 0 68. 0 68. 0 TV adds 17 17. 0 17. 0 85. 0 news paper adds 9 9. 0 9. 0 94. 0 Posters 4 4. 0 4. 0 98. 0 Internet 2 2. 0 2. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: looking to the above diagram respondents aware about the restaurant by their friends and by TV adds. Exhibit-13 13)Frequency Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid occationally 28 28. 0 28. 0 28. 0 once or twice in a week 15 15. 0 15. 0 43. 0 once or twice in a month. 57 57. 0 57. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Intr Interpretation: respondents visit dominos once or twice in a month. Exhibit: 14 14)Visit reason Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid In your free hours 66 66. 0 66. 0 66. 0 For meetings 6 6. 0 6. 0 72. 0 For parties 21 21. 0 21. 0 93. 0 For someone parties 7 7. 0 7. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: Respondents mostly like to go to Dominos in their free time for Parties. Exhibit-15 15)Freq. visit reason Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Quality of food is good 53 53. 0 53. 0 53. 0 Has good friendly atmosphere. 32 32. 0 32. 0 85. 0 It is near your house 10 10. 0 10. 0 95. 0 Other 5 5. 0 5. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: Above diagram conclude that respondents like to go to Dominos because the quality of the food offer by dominos is better. Exhibit-17 17) age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 20-25 35 35. 0 35. 0 35. 0 25-30 17 17. 0 17. 0 52. 0 30-40 29 29. 0 29. 0 81. 0 above 40 19 19. 0 19. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 Interpretation: looking to the above exhibit mostly young generation, who come under the age of 20-25 preferred to go to the Dominos. Findings conclusions. 1) From above analysis we can conclude that 68% respondents prefer to go to the Dominos then other restaurants. 2) Respondents prefer to go to the Dominos because the quality of the food is good over there. 3) People give very important to the quality, price and services. They give important to the customization but they give least important to the brand ambience. But comparison to all factor more preference given to quality price. They are satisfied by the quality in their favourite restaurant but they are least satisfied by the price. 4) Out of the respondents most number of respondents visits dominos with their friends family. 5) Respondents also aware about Dominos by their friends and TV adds. 6) Out of respondents mostly they prefer to visit Dominos once or twice in a month in their free time and for parties so we can conclude that they are regular customer. 7) Dominos attracts all kind of generation like those who come in age 20-25, 25-30, and above 30 also. But more attracted by 20-25 years old people. Conclusion 1) People gives more important to price and they also least satisfied by the price in dominos but they are attracted to Dominos because they are satisfied by the quality offered by the Dominos and for that they are not paying high price. 2) People are not attracted towards Dominos because it is an international brand. People are not giving important to the brand but they are giving important to the quality and price. 3) Mostly people go to Dominos with their friends and family. But people go to there with family rarely because of the price factor. They prefer to go U. S. Pizza with family because it offer unlimited scheme which is enable them to spend less. 4) People also aware about the Dominos by their friend and TV adds also by the banners. 5) Dominos attracted all kind of generation like youngster adult. Strategies Following are the strategies adopted by Dominos to attract the customer towards it. 1) They maintain the quality of the food same in every store because there quality is main factor to influence the customer. 2) They maintain same taste in every store. 3) They also maintain hygiene level. 4) They have monopoly in 5 types of pizza which is thin crust, hand toast, cheese burst, deep dish, 3 cheese. 5) They come up with new product every 3-4 months. 6) They contacted their customer and ask about their choice taste and they launch new product according to customer preference. 7) People give more preference to the nearness restaurant so they open their branches in 15 areas. 8) They give free delivery in just 30 minute. If it is not delivered in 30 minute they give pizza free of cost. 9) Mostly college going student and working people go to Dominos so they open there branches in 2. 5km 3 km near to the college and office area. Recommendation 1) People give more important to the price if dominos reduce their price then people they can capture almost all market share. 2) If dominos don’t want to reduce the price than it can also offer some discount or unlimited scheme. People attracted towards US pizza because of it unlimited scheme. Here people already satisfied by quality if they offer some scheme then they can attract more people who go restaurant with their family. 3) They also offer salads or other customization product. Annexure Dominos vs us Pizza Questionnaire Respected Sir/ Madam We, 1st year PGDM student from St Kabir Institute of Professional Studies , conducting a research on ‘Dominos vs US Pizza’. We want to know your views about these restaurants. The information provided by you is purely for research purpose and will be strictly kept confidential. Top of Form. 1) Do you like to go Restaurants? Yes No 2) When do you go to Restaurants? Once or Twice a week Once or Twice in 15 days Once or twice in a month Occasionally 3) How many times in previous month did you visit the restaurant? 0 1-5 5-10 More than 10 4) What do you prefer in snacks? Pizza Chat Sandwich Others 5) Do you like Pizza? Yes No 6) Where do you like the most to go for Pizza? Dominos US Pizza Pizza world Pizza zone Others 7) Why you like to go in above mention Pizza restaurant? Quality is good Price is low Service is good Others 8) How much importance do you give to the following factors when you go for eating pizza? Very Important Important Least Important Not at all Important Quality Price Service Brand Ambience Customization Nearness 9) How much are you satisfied with the following factors in your preferred pizza restaurant? Very satisfied Satisfied Normal least Satisfied Not Satisfied Quality Price Service Ambience Customization 10) With whom you like to go in this restaurant? Friends Colleague Family G. F/ B. F Others 11) Is there any scheme in above pizza restaurant? Unlimited By one get one free Discount Price Coupon Others No scheme s 12) How did you know above restaurant? Friends T. V Add. Newspaper adds. poster. Internet Other 13) How frequently you go to this restaurant? Occationally Once or twice in week Once or twice in month rarely 14) When you prefer to go? In your free hours For meetings For parties For someone’s parties 15) What is the main reason you frequently go a particular restaurant? Quality of food is good Has a good friendly atmosphere your family children like it It is near your house Other 16) Name 17) Age 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 above 40 18) Area where you belong: 19) Contact No 20) Gender Male Female 21) Occupation Student Job Business Other 22) You’re monthly Income? 20000 Bottom of Form.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Balder Essay :: essays research papers

Frigg loved Balder. She loved him so much that she tried to protect him from everything. Balder was the light of this world and everyone loved him. Frigg went around to everyone in the world and asked for their promise that they would never hurt Balder; she asked the beasts and the elements, she asked mother nature and all the other gods. They had all pledged that they would not hurt Balder, but she missed one little plant since she thought that it was too small and young to do any harm. The mistletoe on the very edge of the world was the only plant that she had not asked for his protection from harm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She also trusted everyone. She trusted a little too much. She told Loki (who was in disguise) about this one plant that she had overlooked. She loved Balder and trusted all the gods not to put him in harm. They tested it, they threw stones and shot arrows at him which always hit the ground before they got near him. But Loki was jealous of Balder because every one loved him so much. So Loki set out to find the mistletoe. He was so jealous that he wanted Balder dead. His jealousy over took him even though he was a god. He set out and found the mistletoe without any trouble; he then came back to where all the gods were testing out Balder by throwing things at him. Loki found Balder’s blind brother and told him that he should be respectful and throw something at Balder too. So because of Loki’s jealousy he helped the blind brother aim the mistletoe at Balder and throw it. It killed Balder instantly. Even though every one knew that Loki had done it, becau se they had lost the one that they loved they were too sad to do anything about it. Frigg thought that she had made sure of Balder’s safety even though she had overlooked this one small plant. Because Frigg trusted Loki she told him about that plant, she never thought that he would have killed Balder.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Liberty Bell Essays -- essays research papers

Among the more obscure events in American history involves the Liberty Bell's travels by rail car around the United States to be placed on exhibit at numerous World's Fairs. From 1885 to 1915, the Liberty Bell traveled by rail on seven separate trips to eight different World's Fair exhibitions visiting nearly 400 cities and towns on those trips coast to coast. At the time, the Liberty Bell's trips were widely publicized so that each town where the Liberty Bell train stopped was well prepared for their venerable guest. Each stop on the way to the host World's Fair exhibition lasted anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. The Liberty Bell was nearly always met with military salutes, parades, patriotic music and throngs of cheering men, women and children. In 1873, Philadelphian Henry Seybert donated to the City of Philadelphia a new bell and a large clock for tower of Independence Hall. Seybert commissioned the Meneely and Kimberly Bell Foundry to cast the bell and have it installed in the steeple by July 4, 1876 in time to usher in the Centennial anniversary celebration. The bell was cast using a mixture of 80% copper and 20% tin with the addition of one hundred pounds each of four cannons - a British and American cannon from the battle of Saratoga and a Union and Confederate cannon from the battle of Gettysburg. The bell weighs 13,000 pounds representing 1,000 pounds for each of the 13 original states and bears the following inscriptions: Around the crown: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men - Luke, chapter II, verse 14." Around the lip: " Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof - Leviticus, chapter XXV, verse 10." Upon one side of the of the bell is cast - "Presented to the city of Philadelphia, July 4, 1876, for the belfry of Independence Hall, by a citizen." On the opposite side is the date "1776" and the coat of arms of the United States set in a shield containing 13 stars. I... ...;. Unfortunately, the fair was not a tremendous success due to low attendance - only 10 million of the expected 50 million visitors attended. Attributing to low attendance was the rain that was present on more than half the days the fair was open. While the Liberty Bell remained in its home in Independence Hall not far from the fairgrounds its image was used repeatedly as a symbol of the Exposition. The Liberty Bell had long since come to represent liberty and freedom for the United States and using its image on Exposition souvenirs was ideal in light of the fair's theme - our nation's 150th birthday. In 1950, the United States Department of the Treasury assisted by several private companies selected a foundry in Annecy-le-Vieux, France to cast 55 full-sized replicas of the Liberty Bell. The bells were shipped as gifts to states and territories of the United States and the District of Columbia to be displayed and rung on patriotic occasions. This was part of a savings bond drive held from May 15 to July 4, 1950 with the slogan "Save for Your Independence."

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing & Enhancing Care in Rapidly Changing & Complex Situations Leadership Essay

Introduction to the folder of Evidence This assignment is an analysis of my leadership development though my training, and to assist me to adapt from a student nurse to a staff nurse confidently. This, along with an action plan (appendix 1) is completed though out my module 8 placement in accident and emergency. My leadership skills are developed by shadowing my mentor whilst she is in charge of shifts for 3 weeks, as well as accurately and confidently handing over patients to other members of the multi-disciplinary team. In this setting, skills such as communication, decision making, prioritising care and time management are necessary, therefore this placement has assisted me in developing those skills. This assignment relates to learning outcome 2-Utilise a range of therapeutic approaches and problem solving skills when planning, implementing and evaluating care to enhance quality of life for patients and carers, 3- Utilise effective coaching skills in the support of patients, carers and less experienced colleagues, and 4- Analyse and develop professional care, management and leadership roles within the context of multidisciplinary and collaborative care delivery in meeting health and social care needs for patients with increasing levels of dependency. (MSG, 2011) I will develop my leadership skills by shadowing her whilst she is triaging patients, in charge of shifts, and when she is handing over, along with accurate communication skills. Though out the placement, I will gain feedback from my mentor on my progress in order to help me to achieve sufficient leadership skills. Introduction The aim of this reflective account is to analyse leadership skills that have been developed throughout my module 8 placement in Accident and Emergency. I will debate the motives for my choice of actions, and evaluate the extent which it has enabled me to improve my leadership skills. I will discuss what I have discovered about my leadership skills, how I’ve developed as a leader, and what effect this has on the care given to my patients. This assignment, in collaboration with the practise assessment document, will assist me in identifying skills developed, with significance to learning outcomes 2, 3, and 4. The identified skills along with leadership literature will be evaluated using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) which comprises of description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. There are many definitions of leadership, such as being a ‘’function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential ‘’. (Bennis, 1959), ‘Leadership involves the use of interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal.’ (Sullivan and Garland, 2010). All of these definitions gave me a great idea of leadership, and allowed me to choose an aspect of leadership skills within my placement. This allowed me to focus on my leadership skills whilst making decisions in the clinical setting. Clinical decision-making is a process that nurses undertake on a daily basis when they make judgements about the care that they provide to patients and management issues. (Banning, 2007). NMC 2008 states that you must ‘‘Provide a high standard of practice and care at all times’’. This reflective account is also based on my leadership skills whilst leading handover. Clinical handover refers to the transfer of information from one health care provider to another when a patient has a change of location or venue of care, and/or when the care of/responsibility for that patient shifts from one provider to another (ACSQHC, 2005). The NMC (2008) states that ‘’you should be aware of, and develop, your ability to communicate effectively within teams. The way you record information and communicate is crucial. Other people will rely on your records at key communication points, especially during handover, referral and in shared care.’’ Stage 1: Description of the event Decision making plays an important role in the A&E department. This determines the care each patient receives. My mentor asked me to triage a patient in the minors department. No names are mentioned in this piece in order to respect dignity and privacy as stated by the NMC (2008). I began to triage a 29 year old female who presented with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. This patient was 7 weeks pregnant. As I was assessing the patient I noticed that she was hypotensive at a blood pressure of 95/65. Following this, I informed my mentor of my patient and my findings. Following a discussion with my mentor, we decided that this patient was high priority. Whilst my mentor inserted a cannula and took bloods, I was given the responsibility of allocating the patient to a bed. Following the discussion with my mentor, I felt that it was necessary to place the patient in majors, and on a monitor bed. As this was being put into action, my mentor and I noticed that all monitored beds were tak en up. I then had to liaise with the nurse in charge to decide if all patients on the monitored beds were required to stay on monitors. After organising a monitor bed for the patient, I then bleeped the gynecologist on call for further advice. After the patient was assessed by other members of the multi-disciplinary team, it was decided that the patient was to be admitted for further tests, as the gynecologist was querying an ectopic pregnancy. My mentor then allowed me to liaise with the bed manager to organise a bed on a suitable ward for the patient. After a bed was arranged, I then escorted the patient to the ward and gave a full handover to the nurses under my mentors supervision. Handover is another very important aspect of communication in the clinical setting, as it ensures the correct information is given to the nurse, and therefore, care for the patient will be organized accurately. Stage 2: Feelings When my mentor allocated me to triage patients, I felt that I was given a lot of responsibility. Porterfield (1999) states that empowering employees is an important part of employee development and can in turn produce a higher level of employee satisfaction. I questioned my ability to assess to as I was not used to this level of responsibility. I mentioned this to my mentor and she reassured me by discussing what assessment tools to use, and  mentioning that she and the rest of the nursing team were there for any guidance throughout the assessment. Once the patient was assessed and allocated to majors, I felt quite confident in my decision making skills. My mentor mentioned that I had triaged the patient successfully and competently and this was very reassuring. As I continued care for the patient, I became to feel more confident in the care I was providing. After a clinical decision was made and the patient was to be handed over to the nursing staff on the ward, I felt slightly nervous in regards to ensuring the correct and accurate information is being given to the staff, as well as the essential information in regards to the patient. As I proceeded to begin handover, I became more confident as I had been with this patient since the beginning, and had a good insight to the care that was given and the care that was to be given. I gave the nurses a full handover in regards to the patient, including what examinations were carried out and the results of the examinations, and what the patient is required in order to keep comfortable. I also mentioned that this was the patient’s first pregnancy and reassurance is vital. Following handover, my mentor gave me feedback on how I handed over the patient. We discussed my communication skills, and my mentor mentioned that I gave an accurate and well-spoken handover, and mentioned all relevan t information in regards to the patient. After receiving that feedback, I felt that my style of leadership tailed was transformational. Stage 3: Evaluation Leaders are often described as being visionary, equipped with strategies, a plan and desire to direct their teams and services to a future goal (Mahoney, 2001). Decision making is a fundamental element of nursing, and is essential to understand. (Reilly, 2003). By my mentor allowing me to make clinical decisions on patient care, leadership skills whilst making decisions were put into practice. With the support of my mentor and all the staff, I was able to analyze clinical situations and make a decision based on best practice, as well as evidence based practice. By gaining feedback from peers, it allowed me to evaluate how effective my decision making and communication skills were. Communication can be identified as a vast field with the nursing setting. (Donnelly and Neville, 2008). Throughout handover, my delivery of information was accurate and precise, and the level  of communication between the nursing staff receiving handover from I was approached to in a professional manner. I feel that, throughout the experience, my confidence levels were low and adverse. Dao (2008) states that self-confidence is the fundamental basis from which leadership grows. Although, I received positive feedback from peers, being given such important tasks made me doubt my competency as a nurse. Stage 4: Analysis The Gibbs et al (1988) reflective model encourages the analysis stage to break down the event into its components so they can be explored separately. In order to analyze, becoming aware of the variety of learning theories and styles will assist in evaluating. Timmins (2006) states that critical analysis should analyse current practice along with examining the research base of practice and exploring theories that update nursing. I feel by exploring various leadership styles, I achieved this throughout my placement. An effective leader should be able to adopt, either consciously or unconsciously, various leadership styles in various situations (Bennett et al. 2010). By approaching the range of leadership theories, I feel that I have obtained the transformational leadership technique. Transformational leadership style is made up of 4 elements, Idealized influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation, and Individual consideration. In comparison, Transactional leadership style is made up of 2 elements, Contingent Reward and management by exception. Aarons (2006) states transformational leadership inspires and motivates followers, whereas transactional leadership is based more on reinforcement and exchanges. I feel that I built a professional relationship with not only my mentor, but with other colleagues in the department, and had the support necessary to assist me in making decisions and handing over. In terms of patient’s safety, accurate decision making and hand over is an essential. The NMC (2008) states that you must ‘’provide a high standard of practice and care at all times’’. By obtaining a transformational leadership style, this ensures that whilst decision making, that all decisions are made with rationale and in the best interest of the patient. When handing information of care of patients over to colleagues, effective co-ordination and communication is essential. Clinical decision-making is a complex activity that requires practitioners to be knowledgeable in relevant aspects of  nursing, To have access to reliable sources of information and appropriate patient care networks and to work in a supportive environment. (O’Neill, Dluhy & Chin, 2005). However, although being supervised whilst making decisions and handing over, I was expected to do these tasks independently and professionally, and based on the best interest of the patient. This allowed me to gain further insight to the transition of student nurse to staff nurse. Stage 5: Conclusion In conclusion I feel the time I spent working within the Accident and Emergency team facilitated greatly in assisting me to develop my leadership skills. The stated event reflected best shows how I incorporated two aspects of my new leadership skills. I feel by studying the styles and skills involved in leadership I gained a good knowledge of leadership styles which I presented during my time here. I received feedback from my mentors and colleagues in regards to the skills, which have given me confidence to practice these skills in the future as a staff nurse. I have come to realise that a variety of leadership styles of leading best work in a hospital setting. In the future I will strive to further develop my leadership skills. Stage 6- Action Plan I plan to continue developing my leadership skills by observing and taking part in handover throughout the rest of my placements. I also hope to continue developing my decision making skills by shadowing my mentor and other colleagues throughout triaging and deciding patient care. As a self-regulated learner, I plan to gain feedback from both mentors and colleagues and focus on areas of further development. REFERENCES Aarons, G. (2006). Transformational and Transactional Leadership: Association With Attitudes Toward Evidence-Based Practice. . 57 (8), 1162-1169. ACSQHC- Passing the baton of care – a patient relay – May 2005. Available. Last accessed 17 May 2012. Banning, M. (2007). A review of clinical decision making: models and current research. J. Clinical Nursing. Available at Accessed 26 May 2012. Bennett, C., Perry, J., Lapworth, T. (2010) Leadership skills for nurses working in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard. 24 (40), p.35-40. Bennis WG (1959) Leadership Theory and Administrative Behavior: The Problem of Authority. Admin Sci Q 4(2): 259–301 Bennis W. (1999). The Leadership Advantage. Available: Last accessed 26th May 2012 Dao, F. (2008). Without Confidence, There is No Leadership. Available: Last accessed 29 May 2012. Donnelly, E, Neville, L. (2008) Communication and Interpersonal Skills, p4 Reflect Press Ltd Publishing. Gibbs, G. (1998) Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford centre for staff and learning development. London Further Education Unit. Polytechnic, Oxford Mahoney, J. (2001) Leadership skills for the 21st century. Journal of Nursing Management; 9: 5, 269-271. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. O’Neill, E.S., Dluhy, N.C. & Chun, E. (2005). Modelling novice clinical reasoning for a computerised decision support system. J. Advanced Nursing, 49, 1: 68-77 Potterfield, Thomas A. (1999) The Business of Employee Empowerment: Democracy and Ideology in the Workplace. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Riley, M. E. (2003), Removing chest drains – a critical reflection of a complex clinical decision. Nursing in Critical Care, 8: 212–221. Sullivan EJ, Garland G (2010), Practical Leadership and Management in Nursing. Pearson Education Limited,Harlow T immins, F. (2006) Critical practice in nursing care: analysis, action and reflexivity. Nursing Standard, 20 (39), p.49-54.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Madame Bovary essays

Biography of Madame Bovary essays In every society there is a middle class. Individuals in this category don't have the luxuries that the elite few have, but they are far from living on the streets. They are stuck in the middle. There has to be some sort of influence that makes the middle class people think that way. One such influence was the period of Romanticism. Some people tried to make this dream a reality, and they wound up worse than they started. Such was the case of Emma, in Gustave Flauberts Madame Bovary. However, her results were tragic as she could not achieve that lifestyle she was looking for. In the 19th century, bourgeois women in France wanted to live a romantic life, as characterized by the influence of society. Emma Bovary had a dream of living in the high society. This dream came from her love of novels, especially romance novels. During the nineteenth century, Romanticism was alive in literature and art. It displayed exciting and emotional lifestyles, as opposed to ordinary life. The German poet Friedrich Schlegel defined Romanticism as literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form. For part of Emmas youth, she lived in a Catholic convent. She was essentially shut off from the exciting world that she yearned for, so she had to find ways of amusing herself. One of these ways was through reading romance novels. Once a week at the convent, a spinster came to mend the linens. She let the girls read the books she brought with her, and Emma took an instant liking to them. She found herself lost in a dream world of romance. Emma read books by authors like Sir Walter Scott, and she identified with the girl in the castle who watched from a window as her lover came galloping on a h orse. They were all love, lovers, sweethearts, persecuted ladies fainting in lonely pavilions, postilions killed at every stage, horses ridden to death on every page, sombre forests, heartaches, vows, sobs, tears and kisses, little ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hardys narrative technique, taking note of imagery, symbolism, description and character portrayal Essays

Hardys narrative technique, taking note of imagery, symbolism, description and character portrayal Essays Hardys narrative technique, taking note of imagery, symbolism, description and character portrayal Paper Hardys narrative technique, taking note of imagery, symbolism, description and character portrayal Paper Essay Topic: Death and the Maiden Literature The rape scene, towards the end of Chapter XI is an interesting passage, and provides a pivotal moment in the novel, one which Tess will always refer back to. After an exhausting night of dancing with her friends, Tess is saved by Alec after tittering at her workmate covered in treacle. On the journey home with Alex, after the triumph of her escape wares off, the fatigue of the weeks work sets in and Tess becomes drowsy. Throughout the journey Alec pesters her with his love-making, playing on her inexpressible weariness. Hardy creates a languid mood along the early-morning country road, which is conveyed by the drowsiness that overcomes Tess. When she first slips into slumber, a moment of oblivion, and leans on his shoulder, Alec interprets it as a sexual advance, even though it is just a fatigue-induced weakness. Hardy describes Alecs attempt to embrace her as enclosing her waist, which creates an image of capture and incarceration, and Tess ensuing reaction is one of defence and disgust. The way Hardy inserts devilish, when describing Tess is ironic I feel. From his very introduction in the novel, Alec has had satanic connotations, and this ensnaring of an innocent virgin only emphasises this. Alec immediately rotates the situation to place the blame on Tess, which highlights how masterful he is at seizing opportunities. He places a great deal of pressure on Tess to return his affections, and bullies Tess into feeling sorry for reacting in a way that any proper woman should. The fact hat Alex has led the cart far out into the woods, in absolute blackness suggests to the reader that he intended to carry out the rape beforehand, and that it wasnt a spur of the moment. : He has led her into such a situation that she cannot help but trust him he is in absolute control. After agreeing to stop and gain a sense of direction, Hardy describes how Alec steals a hearty kiss, which suggests that the affection was totally one-sided, and that something of Tess had been taken away, and that she was unprepared. Just before he leaves, Alec tells Tess how he has given her family a new horse and presents for the children. He has timed it so that Tess will think about even after he has left. However, Tess is not so easily taken in, saying that it hampers [her] so, because she realises that this was all intended to make her love him ever so little. Already Alec has used a variety of methods in an attempt to woo Tess; he has imposed himself upon her, enticed her and got her lost. Even though she shivers, Tess does not want to show a vulnerability to Alec, and tells him she is not very cold when he asks. However, Alec imposes the contents of the druggists bottle upon her. Hardy allures to Alecs impending unwanted sexual urges when he describes how his fingers sank into her as into a billow. This penetrating act portrays her softness, delicacy and pliability, and shows Alecs sexual pressurising of Tess. Hardy uses verbs such as plunged and pushed to portray the forcefulness with which Alec goes out his task and suggest the his barbaric nature. I feel that in this passage Tess is likened to the moon; both are pale and innocent, and Hardy mentions the moonlit person of Tess. Also, the lunar sequence has long been soon associated with the menstrual cycle, and hardy mentions that as soon as the moon had quite gone down, Tess becomes entombed in darkness, as the night itself becomes pitch black. The imagery of the pale nebulousness of Tess as she lies on the forest floor at the feet of Alec is quiet powerful, I feel. Whereas Alec seems to fit into the darkness, perhaps a suggestion of his evil, dark nature, Tess remains a beacon, and cannot help to be in her pure, white dress. There is also the suggestion of nature conspiring against Tess, especially the way in which the fog seems to wrap around her, which raises the suggestion that she was doomed, and that the act was inevitable. I find the two descriptions of the leaves that Tess lies upon in this passage extremely interesting. Initially, Hardy writes about the thick leaves, but once Tess falls asleep, they are referred to as dead leaves. This, I feel, reinforces the notion of doom attached to Tess, and perhaps emphasises the effect that Tess has upon living things. Throughout the play, Tess is attached to death, such as Prince, Sorrow and indeed later on Alec. I especially enjoy this passage as Hardy uses the encompassing black of the night to heighten the senses of the reader, accentuating the sense of sound and touch, as darkness and silence ruled everywhere around. There is an element of the savage to Alec in this chapter. He appears to seem at one with nature, and Hardy allures to his primeval ruthlessness. Hardy then adopts of philosophical tone in his writing, which differs from his traditional narrative technique, and laments the fact that Tess guardian angel didnt exist, suggesting that the heavens are silent. He suggests that there is no goodness in the world if a pure woman can be robbed of her dignity in such a way. Hardy uses a number of metaphors to describe Tess, whilst in the hands of the spoiler, describing Tess as blank as snow, and questions how such beautiful feminine tissue could be blemished in such a way. The fact that the rape took place in The Chase is interesting, as it the ancient forest over which her ancestors once presided, but Hardy emphasises the fact that there are no chivalrous knights to protect her. Hardy deals with the actual rape itself in a detached and ambiguous manner, with a lingering sense of fatalism attached. With a rare authorial intrusion, he cites that it was to be. The human in Hardy reacts that the human tissue should be so coarsely imprinted upon, and contemplatively underlines the pity that the purity and beauty of Tess has been forever tainted, and that she is indeed a maiden no more.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The executive branch

The executive branch US Executive is one of the primary constituent of the centralized government. It consists of numerous offices that play significant roles in running the branch. The President’s office, his vice and some of the departmental offices are some of the most prime administrative offices in the branch (Brown and Graham, 1). Since the branch was formed, many changes have taken place, in the effort of improving its efficiency.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The executive branch specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Changes in constitutional powers and functions As years passes by, the US constitution keep on changing following the numerous modifications done by the congress (the law-making body). This has immensely affected the roles and powers of the executive branch, since the offices have to meet their constitutional job requirements. Furthermore, change in legal functions alters the structures the executive branch, sinc e they will have to introduce other offices, to assist in meeting the newly introduced requirements. For instance, some of the executive functions and terms were altered by the congress under the twentieth amendment. The interlude between election and inaugural ceremony was altered, and thus the president alongside with his vice had to surrender their offices in January 20th (noon), the year after general elections. This is because; initially, the period between election and inauguration was quite stretched i.e. approximately four months after voting. Furthermore, the amendment also stated that, incase the presidential-elect passes away, then the vice president elect will assume the president’s position and thus sworn as the new president of US. There were also some modifications under the 22nd amendment that extensively affected the executive offices (Wright, 64). The amendment transformed the number of times a citizen can hold a presidential office; the number was changed t o a maximum of two terms in office (Findlaw). The succession of the president was changed, in one of the amendment clause i.e. the vice will assume the president’s role, incase the president quits his position or dies. Furthermore, the amendment states that any position in the vice’s office will be appointed by the president; however, the appointee shall not assume the office until he or she is approved by the congress. Economic changes A country’s economy keeps on shifting from one position to another thus influencing various crucial institution and bureaus, including the executive branches. In the past year, United States experienced several economic changes; for instance, the recessions, depressions, crunches and other similar economic difficulties. This experience has made United States alter some of its executive departments, as a strategy to curb the economic changes. As a result, some executive departments were removed, while others introduced; some were modified while others replaced.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, commerce and labor department were split to form two autonomous departments (Infoplease). This move was an economic strategy for the improvement of commerce in the country i.e. to enhance local and international trade. Being a victim of several hash economic environment, the US government has incorporated several junior offices in their departments that assist in projecting its business environment. Public welfare Education department was formed to operate independently, after the amalgamation of several learning programs, from different bureaus. This change was effected in the late seventies as a progress to provide quality education to all students, regardless of their backgrounds. Following the terrorist attack in 2001, several offices were merged to form a sovereign protection department i.e. the homeland security department (infoplease). The prime function of this department was to up the security of United States, and also to protect their citizens against unnecessary threats. As early as 1939, the federal security agency was changed following the demands to improve human healthiness and well being. The Agency was transformed to a healthcare department i.e. health and human services department, which was expected to up the standards of health in the country. Some of the numerous function of this health care department was to provide health services to all citizens regardless of their background, abilities or situation; finance healthcare institutions such as Medicaid; conduct healthcare researches and so on. Early in the 60’s, the united states were subjected to numerous housing challenges especially in urban centers. This pressured the government to create an executive department that would solely address matters pertaining housing and the growth of cities. Con sequently, a department in the name of housing and urban development was created as a substitute for the home finance and housing sub-division. The department was formed to offer several services to the ordinary citizens i.e. offer inexpensive housing services; uphold community development and many more others (Infoplease). The department of labor underwent several transitions before it finally stood out as a sovereign department. Initially, labor functioned as an agency under a certain executive department prior to its operation in the labor and commerce department (Henry, 375). Early in the 90’s, labor was separated from the department and thus operated as an autonomous executive department. The change was influenced by the undying effort of guarding workers against overexploitation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The executive branch specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Regulation Several executive offices ha ve been altered following the government’s attempt to regulate the activities of certain crucial offices. For instance, the national military bureau was transformed following the need to regulate its mandate. The name of the bureau was transformed and named as the department of defense, which was accompanied by numerous changes in its functions. Some of the functions dispensed to this department included flood control; the control and regulation of the navy, marine and other such like agencies. Executive department such as the department of agriculture was established following the need to regulate food prices and input costs. The need to regulate commerce in United States is one of the numerous factors that led to the split of labor and commerce department. Several aspects such as local trade, international trade, and technological growth had to be regulated adequately. However, this proved tricky without the sovereign existence of commerce department. As a result, the depar tment of trade and labor was split to form two autonomous departments. Technology Over the years, United States has grown technologically, with the introduction of numerous ideologies and hi-tech devices. However, these inventions and innovations possess a number of negative and positive impacts, which can influence a country in various capacities. In the attempt to control these impacts, the executive experienced a stretch in their duties and thus increasing their scope. In other words, the executive had to perform extra roles due to technological advancements i.e. to develop policies that regulate their use. The advances in technology, which are eventually incorporated in different departments, have immensely influenced the executive structures. Several offices have been created as a solution for the management of these high-tech equipments in different executive departments. For instance, the defense department has several technological departments that contain several offices re sponsible for developing and managing technical weapons. Conclusion The functions and names of offices in the executive branch have changed over the years, due to several factors. Some of the reason that influenced changes in departmental names and operations include economic changes, technological changes, a shift in public welfare demands and the need for office regulations. Some of the offices in the branch, which have grown and changed over the years, include the president office, executive departments and the vice president office. Barrett, Henry. The Presidents Cabinet, Studies in the Origin, Formation and Structure of an American Institution. Charleston: BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2009 375.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Brown, Elizabeth and Graham, David. Leading the executive branch: strategies and options for achieving success. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation. 2007 1. Findlaw. Amendment to the constitution of United States of America. London: Thomson Reuters business. 2010. Web. Available at:Â Infoplease. Executive department. Berkeley: Pearson education 2007. Web. Available at:Â Wright, John. The New York times Almanac 2002. New York: Routledge. 2001 64.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Effective Teaching Methods that can be Implored to Integrate a Child Essay

Effective Teaching Methods that can be Implored to Integrate a Child with Down's Syndrome into a Mainstream Primary School in Ir - Essay Example Thus, the application of qualitative research design is meant to match the requirements of the research topic, in that an in-depth understanding of the appropriate methods that teachers should apply to teach students suffering from this disorder is vital, for the benefits of the students. A vital aspect of qualitative research is that it emphasizes more on the particular case being undertaken, while making a few of general propositions (Stebbins, 2001 p60). There are various reasons as to why the research opted to apply qualitative research design. The research design is most appropriate for the topic under study, in that, qualitative research uses the natural setting as the source of information, where the settings and the environment of study is observed, described and interpreted based on neutrality (Wolcott, 1995 p25). Since the topic requires the observation of the educational needs of students suffering from Down's syndrome, and the consequent devising of the means, which the t eachers can apply to address these needs, then the research design remains most relevant for the study. ... rmation about the people and their environments, which is a necessity for this study, in that, there is a need to evaluate and understand all the relevance needs of students suffering from this disorder and the viable ways in which teachers can meet these special needs of the students. More reasons as to why qualitative research remains the most applicable method for this research, is the fact that, some aspects of study cannot be quantified. Additionally, there are those aspects, which are difficult to express in quantitative terms, such as the experiences that an individual has (Patton, 2002 p18). Therefore, qualitative research comes in handy to ensure that those relevant aspects of the study, which cannot be quantified, are investigated and their contribution to the study analyzed. Considering that fewer generalizations and assumptions are involved in qualitative research, then, it is possible to explore highly the area of study and generate hypotheses (Ziman, 2000 p86). Addition ally, the application of qualitative method ensures the comfort of the participants, in that, they are allowed to present their own ideas, information and experiences in their own words and style, which seems more appropriate to them. The advantages associate with qualitative method of study is the fact that it afforded an opportunity to deeply scrutinize the responds and obtain a deeper insight and understating regarding the nature and educational needs of children with Down's syndrome. The method allowed an opportunity to obtain advice from people who had greater experiences in dealing with the students suffering from the disorder, among them a 30-year-old girl with Down's syndrome, who have gone through the mainstream education system. Better still; the method was easier to apply in that

Friday, October 18, 2019

Physics assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physics assignment - Essay Example The air opposing the spinning ball causes different air friction at different sides of the ball depending upon the direction of rotation. Due to differing air action on two sides the ball curves towards one side, if a ball is rotating anti-clockwise, the air on its right side causes more impedance because of the ball surface moving against the wind, than on its left side. This is moving in the direction of the wind hence causing the ball to curve towards left. Ball A will travel longer in the air. It happens because the smoothness of the ball causes the air to curve around its surface without creating a lot of resistance during its motion, thus the air drag is low, where as ball B will travel shorter in the air. This is due to the rough surface of the ball that will act as small pockets to the air that is curving around the ball, hence causing air friction on it. This will reduce the energy of ball B greatly. The ball B hence, will travel a shorter distance compared to the Ball A. The S waves travel perpendicular to the direction of the vibration, where as the P waves travel in a direction parallel to the oscillations of the particles. The P waves travel with twice the speed of S waves. The P waves travel in forms of compression and rarefaction zones whereas the S waves travel in form of ripples. The P waves starts forming much earlier than the S

Business in Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business in Literature - Essay Example In the novel The Ladies Paradise, the new recruit Denise is not used to displaying her salesgirl charm and feel violated, defenseless and naked because she is treated like a machine for modeling clothes. The job requirement was that the women had â€Å"to be attractive for the sales rooms† she consents to be attractive according to the stores standards to the leering men and the unethical Monsieur Jouve who would harass the girls that worked in the store by forcing them to buy into his good-will and making sexual advances towards them which was seen as a privilege given his position as the owner. This goes against the moral concept of the market as the Monsieur is only seeking to maximize his profit in this case his sexual gratification. The fulfillment of self-interest will contribute to the common good in the market according to John Stuart Mill; the Mauss theory acknowledges that the market cannot ignore the ethics of self interest in the market. His anthropology is based o n the aspect of giving and receiving in the market as a basis for social integration that is important in the economic interactions. Honesty and respect acknowledges the morality of exchange and interdependence of social relations in the market. Mauss anthropology emphasizes that responsibility is a fundamental constituent of ethical subjectivity therefore responsibility for other human beings legitimizes economic actions. Tono Bungay novel offers an ethical critique of the impact of the late nineteenth century capitalist modernization in the homeland. The story also traces the effects of the accelerated economic transformation to the social arrangements and classes in the society. The ethical dilemma arises where the aristocrat society subjects the bourgeoisie to exploitation and machinations in entrepreneurship. There is a struggle of capital and labour. This also describes the modern

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rhetoric-in-Practice (RIP) Assignment (Movie review of The Hunger Essay

Rhetoric-in-Practice (RIP) Assignment (Movie review of The Hunger Games) - Essay Example Within District 12, the heroine in the film Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) volunteers to take part in the Games in place of her younger sister. Katniss’ special way of changing the world may appear small scale and accidental; however, towards the end Katniss appears to have changed her own world. In the event that Katniss is to return home to District 12, she confronts impossible choices (Egan 2). She should weigh her survival against the wellbeing of humanity and her life against love. PHOTO VIA HUNGERGAMES.COM The Hunger Games is a satirical sci-fi film that manages to confront and rail against the pitfalls of materialism, greed, and economic inequality via its world building and costuming. The narrative intentionally rejects to employ a subtle approach to political criticism, as it utilizes traditional satirical techniques such as visual exaggeration, hyperbole, and contrast to deliver its message. The world of Panem, representing a futuristic America, is introduced p leasingly in about 90 seconds. First, the film introduces two men in discussion about an event called â€Å"The Hunger Games† in front of an audience; the region of Panem is categorized into haves and have-nots, where the haves live within the Capitol (categorized by wealth and power) while the poor reside in a collection of impoverished districts suffering under the oppressive rule after an unsuccessful uprising (Seife 5). Possibly, the biggest achievement of The Hunger Games is the fact that it succeeds in adapting a successful teen novel to a film. This is done spectacularly to the extent that one does not need to read the novel prior to entering the cinema so as to â€Å"get it.† When a serious novel has sold millions of copies as is the case of Suzanne Collins’ trilogy, the default position would be producing something that will resemble what the readers imagined; however, The Hunger Games has been dissected, enlarged, and retooled into a piece that is inte lligent, powerful, and immersive. This world is filled with cruelty and the film director does not shy away from confronting it. The violence and cruelty are most apparent within the Hunger Games arena, an extensive synthetic forest where 24 children hunt one another, and the degree of brutality is well articulated. Ross successfully cuts around the violence in the film to get an appropriate rating for a teenage audience. The heroine in the film, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), has little time for being wistful since she has to survive. Katniss is a teenage survivalist within a post-apocalyptic representation of a familiar American myth. This runs throughout the film based on the premise of what survival is worth (Gresh 4). There is no doubt that Lawrence is as ideal as Katniss given her melancholic determination. The production values in the film are ample, if not generous. The soundtrack represents a blend of regional and atmospheric flavors, although enhanced musical propul sion might have aided to juice up the film. Throughout the film, it is apparent that Mr. Ross, the director of this unnerving story, has mastered the heart-skipping pulse of the story and turned it into a thrilling and smart film through a ravishing technique with propulsive energy. The utilization of CGI technology superbly complements design to generate space of the film, and visually represents a variety of the themes in the film. There is an air of credibility owing to an

Coming to terms Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coming to terms - Term Paper Example Nevertheless, a room for change is gradually taking course. Enlightenment has hit the African continent running and no doubt in the near future, so near than anybody is expecting, this continent is liberating itself from practices which have coined it to ages of under development and social injustices. Youngsters determined to better the place of their birth are rising up to the occasion with no apologies of reclaiming back what corruption, poor governance, and sycophancy has stolen from their countries. This is the picture which is depicted by the icon of African literature, Chinua Achebe in his world’s renowned novel â€Å"A Man of the People†. As he satirizes the situation of how African politics and economy has been taken down on its kneels by self-minded greedy leaders, a lesson is learnt of the potentiality of Africa one day being civilized to heights anybody will leave to adore. The representation of leaders like Chief Nanga who are depicted in the novel as chief decision makers in the top country’ s managing body, the cabinet, is an awake that people need to get to know need for change. Chinua Achebe in his book he uses satire in attacking political leadership in Africa. The main character who is chief Nanga is described to rise to the cabinet position not on grounds of qualitative credentials but on pure sycophancy that saw the country under discussion decent to valleys of inflation. Besides clinching to the power, these politicians want to remain there by all means which includes giving force impressions of how the cabinet work is tough. Precisely Chief Nanga is quoted saying, â€Å"...if somebody want to make you a minister, run away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Achebe, p.1-154). By looking into the depth of this statement, Chinua Achebe was trying to bring out the trueness of how those who are in power in Africa are committed into ensuring that they paint a bad

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rhetoric-in-Practice (RIP) Assignment (Movie review of The Hunger Essay

Rhetoric-in-Practice (RIP) Assignment (Movie review of The Hunger Games) - Essay Example Within District 12, the heroine in the film Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) volunteers to take part in the Games in place of her younger sister. Katniss’ special way of changing the world may appear small scale and accidental; however, towards the end Katniss appears to have changed her own world. In the event that Katniss is to return home to District 12, she confronts impossible choices (Egan 2). She should weigh her survival against the wellbeing of humanity and her life against love. PHOTO VIA HUNGERGAMES.COM The Hunger Games is a satirical sci-fi film that manages to confront and rail against the pitfalls of materialism, greed, and economic inequality via its world building and costuming. The narrative intentionally rejects to employ a subtle approach to political criticism, as it utilizes traditional satirical techniques such as visual exaggeration, hyperbole, and contrast to deliver its message. The world of Panem, representing a futuristic America, is introduced p leasingly in about 90 seconds. First, the film introduces two men in discussion about an event called â€Å"The Hunger Games† in front of an audience; the region of Panem is categorized into haves and have-nots, where the haves live within the Capitol (categorized by wealth and power) while the poor reside in a collection of impoverished districts suffering under the oppressive rule after an unsuccessful uprising (Seife 5). Possibly, the biggest achievement of The Hunger Games is the fact that it succeeds in adapting a successful teen novel to a film. This is done spectacularly to the extent that one does not need to read the novel prior to entering the cinema so as to â€Å"get it.† When a serious novel has sold millions of copies as is the case of Suzanne Collins’ trilogy, the default position would be producing something that will resemble what the readers imagined; however, The Hunger Games has been dissected, enlarged, and retooled into a piece that is inte lligent, powerful, and immersive. This world is filled with cruelty and the film director does not shy away from confronting it. The violence and cruelty are most apparent within the Hunger Games arena, an extensive synthetic forest where 24 children hunt one another, and the degree of brutality is well articulated. Ross successfully cuts around the violence in the film to get an appropriate rating for a teenage audience. The heroine in the film, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), has little time for being wistful since she has to survive. Katniss is a teenage survivalist within a post-apocalyptic representation of a familiar American myth. This runs throughout the film based on the premise of what survival is worth (Gresh 4). There is no doubt that Lawrence is as ideal as Katniss given her melancholic determination. The production values in the film are ample, if not generous. The soundtrack represents a blend of regional and atmospheric flavors, although enhanced musical propul sion might have aided to juice up the film. Throughout the film, it is apparent that Mr. Ross, the director of this unnerving story, has mastered the heart-skipping pulse of the story and turned it into a thrilling and smart film through a ravishing technique with propulsive energy. The utilization of CGI technology superbly complements design to generate space of the film, and visually represents a variety of the themes in the film. There is an air of credibility owing to an

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Busniess form application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Busniess form application - Essay Example law of contract and company law and business closure among others. Kuwait in these respects ranks fairly well with its neighbors Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar among others where it is ranked 61 (The World Bank 2010). Having given this background if offered a chance to address the leader of my country, I would ask him what the government is doing to enhance the ease of doing business in the country and more so in the area of investment both by local as well as foreign investors. The basic reason of asking this question is that the world is becoming more and more of a global business community. For countries which wish to be best positioned to doing business and increasing investment activity, creating a favorable environment of doing business is a necessity rather than a choice. Kuwait although well ranked as compared to its Arab world neighbors it has a long way to go as countries like Singapore are way ahead of it and yet it is one of the top 10 richest countries in the world considering the GDP statistics (The World Bank 2010). I may wish to know what the government is doing in respect to the various reference points mentioned above that are used to come up with the global rank on the ease of doing business. The first issue lies with the number of procedures that one undertakes as an investor to start a business venture. In total the procedures are 13 which is relatively a long process than on average takes a month and 5 days (The World Bank 2010). This aspect makes investors chose to invest elsewhere so as to save on time and expenses associated with the long wait. My suggestion on this is to consolidate these procedures and their documentation as well as doing away with others all together. The other area is that of delays in construction permits which in overall takes over 100 days while registrations of actual properties takes 55 days at minimum. Taxation is

Self introduction Essay Example for Free

Self introduction Essay Everyone has his characters to lead him to success. In other words, characters such as cheerful are unique and these are the factors to make them achieving their goal. In my case, I am stubborn to do anything, including my study even playing basketball. In my secondary school life, my teacher told me that I was headstrong and enlarged the unhappiness to make my emotion in trouble. I just realize what he told me before when I faced my HKAL exam but I find that this character can guide me to reach my goal. To get in University, I spent so much time on it and I encounter many problems and failures, especially in English. However, obstinacy helps me to tackle with the problems and finally I achieve my aim. I kept spending over 10 hours every day around a year to prepare my HKAL exam when I was form 7 student. I expected I can get a good result in the exam but unfortunately I was fail in my UE subject. This made me to be disappointed and helpless because the HKAL exam was replaced by the DSE exam. It means that there are no second chances for HKAL candidates to retake the exam and they have to seek other ways to continue their studies. Without any option, associate degree is my only way to reach my goal and I planned to spend a year to obtain a degree offer. Finally, the dream comes true and I can major in my favourite subject. Obstinacy causes me to keep chasing my goal even I faced many problems and failures. Sometime it motivates a person to keep moving on and achieve success. However, stubborn character makes my emotion in trouble duo to the enlargement of the sadness. I always recall the unhappiness and enlarge it by my imagination. In fact the issues may not be that negative as I think and I am not willing to seek any help. My mental health is suffered by this character and I have to learn to deal with it. Over insisting on my point also is one of my drawbacks. Sometimes when I discuss or work with others to make a consensus, I take a firm stand on my view and do not want to consider the others’ ideas. Thus the teamwork and morale are damaged by the conflicts Even I am suffered by the obstinate character, it practices me to be tough to cope with problems. It also benefits my future career in education. I can share my experience about how to face the failures to encourage students to  pursue their goal. Also obstinacy can help me to tackle with the problems as I faced before. Obstinacy is not just a negative impact for a person. For me, it also motivates me to move on and helps me to reach my goal.

Monday, October 14, 2019

E4D-Compare Software for Dental Analysis

E4D-Compare Software for Dental Analysis ABSTRACT Aim: The E4D-Compare software is an innovative tool that provides immediate feedback to students’ projects and competencies. It should provide consistent scores even when different scanners are used which may have inherent subtle differences in calibration. This study aimed to evaluate potential discrepancies in evaluation using the E4D Compare software based on four different NEVO scanners in dental anatomy projects. Additionally, correlation between digital and visual scores was evaluated. Methods: Thirty-five projects of maxillary left central incisors were evaluated. Among these, thirty wax-ups were performed by four operators and five consisted of standard dentoform teeth. Five scores were obtained for each project: one from an instructor that visually graded the project and from four different NEVO scanners. A faculty involved in teaching the dental anatomy course blindly scored the thirty-five projects. One operator scanned all projects to four NEVO scanners (D4D Technologies, Richardson, TX, USA). The images were aligned to the gold standard, and tolerance set at 0.3 mm to generate a score. The score reflected percentage match between the project and the gold standard. One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to determine whether there was a significant difference in scores among the four NEVO scanners. Paired-sample t-test was used to detect any difference between visual scores and the average scores of the four NEVO scanners. Pearson’s correlation t est was used to assess the relationship between visual and average scores of NEVO scanners. Results: There was no significant difference in scores among four different NEVO scanners (F(3, 102)=2.27, p=0.0852 one-way ANOVA with repeated measures). Moreover, the data provided strong evidence that a significant difference existed between visual and digital scores (p=0.0217; a paired-sample t-test). Mean visual scores were significantly lower than digital scores (72.4 vs. 75.1). Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.85 indicated a strong correlation between visual and digital scores (p Conclusion: The E4D Compare software provides consistent scores even when different scanners are used and correlates well with visual scores. KEYWORDS Computer-assisted learning/computer-assisted simulation (CAL/CAS), Dental anatomy, E4D Compare software CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The use of innovative digital assessment tools in dental education is promising with the E4D Compare software correlating well with visual scores and providing consistent scores even when different scanners are used SHORT RUNNING TITLE Innovative Digital Assessment Tool INTRODUCTION Dental anatomy is a course given to the first year dental students at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry Dental Clinics (UICOD) with the purpose of providing students with basic knowledge on dental anatomy and dental terminology to serve as a solid foundation for the following courses throughout their school years. It is designed to develop the psychomotor skills necessary to proficiently reproduce tooth contours in wax to be able to apply these skills in their future clinical practice. Students are challenged with four waxing projects during the course. Evaluation of these projects and providing proper feedback for self-assessment to establish life-long learning are still major issues that need to be addressed in the dental anatomy course. Traditionally faculty members involved in the course have used a pre-established checklist (Table 1) to provide ongoing feedback during the course, and also to determine the grade by adding points related to specific criteria. This visua l evaluation is time consuming and limited by grader fatigue, subjectivity, and inconsistency.1 The inconsistency among different faculty members is also the most frequently noted concern from student feedback after the course that may negatively affect students’ learning process and performance.2 Computer assisted learning and grading tools have been introduced recently and have shown great promise in providing not only objectivity to the grading system, but also reducing the workload of faculty.3 A digital device using blue laser technology (Nevo scanner, D4D Technologies, Richardson, TX, USA) offers high scanning image quality at a fast video-rate speed and ease of use. A laptop computer connected to the E4D Design Center provides rapid processing of the scans. Through this new technology, students can generate a high quality 3-D virtual model of their project and receive immediate feedback on discrepancies by comparing it to the gold standard determined by the course director.4 An ideal ratio in a dental classroom setting is to accommodate one scanner for every ten students.3 Therefore multiple scanners are usually used to facilitate proper teaching and learning experience for all students. It is expected that consistent scores will be obtained even when different scanners are used which may have inherent subtle differences in calibration. However, with the recent introduction of this digital technology, there is a lack of information on how accurately different scanners relate to each other, as well as lack of evidence on how well visual scores by faculty correlate to scores generated by the digital assessment technique. This study aimed to explore potential discrepancies in evaluation in dental anatomy projects using the E4D Compare software based on four different NEVO scanners. Additionally, correlation between digital and visual scores was evaluated. The hypotheses tested were that: first, the E4D Compare software will provide consistent grades even wh en different scanners are used, and second, there will be no correlation between visual and digital scores. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was determined to be a non-human subject research project by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Iowa. Dental Anatomy Wax-Up of Tooth #9: The maxillary left central incisor (#9) was used for the evaluation of this study. Four operators (Junior dental students) independently waxed up a total of thirty projects based on the wax-addition technique described in the UICOD Dental Anatomy Manual. The maximum time allowed for the wax-up was 3 hours, which is also the time allotted to students during their waxing competency in the Dental Anatomy course. Additionally five dentoform teeth of tooth #9 (Kilgore model, Nissin Dental Corp., Tokyo, Japan) were included for evaluation. The original Kilgore typodont tooth also served as the gold standard for evaluation purposes. Five scores were obtained for each project: one from an instructor and four from NEVO scanners 1 to 4 Visual Evaluation of Wax-ups and Typodont Teeth: A faculty member involved in teaching the dental anatomy course was blinded and scored all thirty-five projects based on the check-list of the UICOD Dental Anatomy Course (Table 1). The check-list consisted of three categories including: contact areas, embrasure and line angles; facial and lingual contour; incisal edge and surface finish, adding up to a total of 23 criteria. Based on the addition of correct criteria the final score was converted to a percentage score for evaluation purposes. Scanning and Digital Evaluation: One operator started the set-up of the files and scanned all projects to four NEVO scanners (NEVO 1 to 4, D4D Technologies, Richardson, TX, USA). The images were checked for proper data density and then aligned to the gold standard, with the tolerance level set at 0.3 mm to generate a general score (Figs 1-6). This score reflected the percentage match between the project and the gold standard as calculated by the software. Data Analysis: One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to determine any significant differences in scores among four NEVO scanners. Paired-sample t-test was conducted to detect any difference between visual grades and the average grades of four NEVO scanners. Pearson’s correlation test was used to assess the relationship between visual grades and average grades of NEVO scanners. All tests utilized a 0.05 level of significance, and statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package SASÂ ® System version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). RESULTS Thirty-five teeth were used for this study. Five scores were obtained from each tooth with five different methods; one from an instructor and four from the NEVO scanners. Table 2 presents a summary of descriptive statistics on scores by the five evaluation methods. (1) Detecting the difference in scores among the four NEVO scanners The data were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. This analysis revealed no significant difference in scores among the four scanners (p=0.0852). (2) Detecting the difference in scores between visual and NEVO evaluation methods There was a significant difference in scores between visual and NEVO evaluation methods (p=0.0217; a paired-sample t-test). The data revealed that the mean scores from visual evaluation method were significantly lower than those obtained from the NEVO evaluation method (mean score: 72.4 vs. 75.1) (Table 2). Note that the average scores of four scanners (NEVO_AVE) were used for the comparisons. (3) Assessing the correlation between visual and NEVO grading scores Based on both Pearson’s correlation test, the data provided strong evidence that there was a significant correlation between visual and NEVO evaluation scores (p DISCUSSION Digitization through innovative technology has become an integral part of contemporary dental practice. This trend is manifested by the increased use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology that promotes the same day preparation and same day delivery concept. Despite intense initial debate, the adoption of restorations fabricated using this approach has profoundly benefited both clinical dentistry and dental laboratories, and epitomizes one of the earliest successes of digital dentistry.5,6 Given the success of CAD/CAM approaches in the clinical setting, many dental institutions are currently striving to incorporate computer-assisted learning and computer-assisted simulation (CAL/CAS) systems into their curriculum. This is to teach dental students to be abreast with the latest technology and keep them prepared for the dynamic changing environment they may face in their future practice. At the UICOD, active incorporation of new technology has bee n perceived to be of high priority. A Technology Committee has been established to plan for active implementation of digital dentistry into the curriculum to provide appropriate vertical and horizontal integration of these concepts as students progress from freshmen to senior years. As part of the planning process, importance has been placed on accumulating evidence on the validity and benefits of using digital technology in the pre-clinic simulation clinic. The study reported here attempted to address these issues, and was designed to evaluate the validity of using multiple scanners and the correlation between visual evaluation performed by faculty and the evaluation by the digital assessment tool. Based on the results, our first hypothesis was accepted: the E4D Compare software provided consistent scores even when different scanners were used. This reflects that the four NEVO scanners used were properly calibrated and the operator was able to create good data density virtual models that generated consistent scores for each project evaluated. This is relevant to other studies that evaluated the repeatability of digital evaluation with the use of the same scanner at different time points and showed excellent intra class correlation of 0.93 to 0.98.3,4 However, excellent repeatability does not necessarily indicate valid evaluation as good samples from the visual paradigm could consistently be graded as poor samples in the digital paradigm and vice versa. Therefore, the correlation of visual and digital evaluation scores was used to examine this possibility. Based on the results, our second hypothesis was rejected; there was strong correlation between the visual and digital scores . This partly supports the validity of the use of digital technology in assessing students’ projects and suggests that this tool could also be used for official grading in competencies as high grades were consistently graded as high and low grades as low across the two methods. It is important to note that there was a significant difference in scores between visual and NEVO evaluation methods with scores from the visual evaluation being lower than that obtained from the digital evaluation method. Changing the tolerance level and giving more leeway for the digital evaluation method could compensate for this difference. Implementation of digital assessment tools in the dental pre-clinic seems promising. However, there are still many issues to be addressed to justify the financial investment and time needed to introduce this system into the curriculum. A systematic review of the effectiveness of computer-aided, self-instructional programs in dental education has revealed disparate outcomes, with some studies finding no difference between CAL and other learning strategies, and others indicating the opposite thus that CAL provided a significant advantage in terms of knowledge gain.7 This is an important issue that needs to be explored in future studies with regards to the use of digital assessment tools as a self directed learning tool. Will the use of these devices indeed increase the technical performance of students? Furthermore, in order to integrate new technology into the curriculum, institutions need to formulate a strategic plan and find resources for proper faculty training so that instructors involved with teaching this new technology can share a positive enthusiasm, and not perceive this as an additional burden in terms of their efforts and time. Lastly, it is critical that students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.8 As such, students’ perspective in new technology implementation is vital and should be taken into consideration. Therefore, more information on whether students regard this technology helpful in preparing them for their future professional life and contributes significantly to their development remains to be probed. CONCLUSION Within the limitations of this study it can be concluded that the E4D Compare Software provides consistent grades even when different scanners are used and correlates well with visual scores.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Common Motifs of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Biography

Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. His first book was published in 1827. In 1829 Al Aaraaf Tamerlane, and Minor Poems, Poe's second book was published. Poe became the editor of The Southern Literary Messenger in 1834 after his lawyer persuaded them to publish some of his stories and make him an editor. During this time his mark on American Literature began. Three of Poe's well-known stories are â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, which was published in 1846, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart, which was published in 1843, and â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†, which was published in 1842. In these three stories like most of Poe's stories they deal with the deep, dark, psychological side of the human brain. In Poe's short stories â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†, Poe use three common motifs; death, fear or terror, and madness. The meaning of death is the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism. Death can take different forms, sickness, revenge, hate, misunderstandings, love. Death is one of the main motifs in all two of the three short stories, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† Montresor kills Fortunato in revenge, and although death is mentioned in â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† there is actually no form of death even though it was close to happening. â€Å"..I felt that I tottered upon the bring – I averted my--...An out stretched arm caught my own as I fell fainting into the abyss. It was that of General Lasalle† (The Pit and the Pendulum p. 10). In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† where Fortunato was chained to a wall and then bricked into a little cavern filled with bones and then the room was set on fire. â€Å"I thrust a torch through the remaining aperture ... ... he starts to think more of how he may die. When he is finally pushed over the edge of the pit, which could be considered being pushed over the edge of insanity, everything comes rushing back to reality when he is grabbed by a General. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†, all have common motifs; death, fear or terror, and madness. Each story has their own special way of showing the three different motifs. In all three stories these three motifs were connected in some way. Someone was afraid of something or someone, which drove them mad, which led them to kill someone. In the case of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† death was caused by revenge, and hate. Death, fear and madness are all common themes in a lot of Poe's work. They add depth and different perspectives to look at things from. They all make the stories what they are.